Live Answering Service
We answer calls for businesses just like yours!
Our live telephone answering services are extremely versatile. We offer message-taking, appointment scheduling, on-call schedule management, order processing, reservation making, and appointment reminder calls. We do it all! And we're open 24/7 so you'll never miss an important call.

A telephone answering service can provide an extra layer of customer service, offering a fast and efficient response to customers calling in with inquiries or requests. Most of the time your callers won't even realize they are speaking to someone at an answering service! We collect detailed information with a personal touch, so your callers know that their message was received. This will make your callers feel heard; as opposed to the uncertainty associated with leaving voicemails. In addition, our answering service allows business owners the flexibility they need if they are away from the office or unavailable due to illness or vacations.
Our nationwide answering service can also be much more than just "extra" or "emergency" phone coverage. Many of our clients utilize our answering service operators as their front-line customer service team - We can schedule appointments, answer customer service questions, help with troubleshooting issues, provide price quotes, transfer callers to a specific destination, and a whole lot more. In most cases, you can get a TEAM of trained remote employees answering your calls and helping your customers 24 hours a day for a fraction of the cost associated with hiring a single in-house employee.
Here are some of the things we can do for you and your business.
General Message Taking
If you would like to have all of the caller’s details sent to you so that you can call them back at a later time, this option is for you. You decide what information you would like us to collect; name, phone number, email, the reason for the call, etc. These are just a few examples of the standard questions we normally ask callers over the phone. This information would be sent over to you in a message via email, text (SMS), fax, voicemail, or viewable using our online portal. You can even choose to have multiple delivery methods used simultaneously. This option is ideal for smaller businesses that need us to answer their overflow calls or ALL calls.
Overflow Call Center
As mentioned above, overflow call center services are a type of service that is ideal for smaller businesses that don’t have enough in-house staff to answer the number of calls coming in, or for single owner/operator businesses that cannot take more than one call at a time or that are busy working in the field the majority of the time. And the last thing you would want is to miss an important call or potential new client that may move on to the next company. Most of these services are combined with after-hour answering for 24/7 coverage.
Virtual Receptionist
Dispatch Call Center
What is the difference between an answering service and a dispatch call center service? The basic principles of both are the same, as they both handle inbound calls and handle them accordingly. Many answering services only perform basic message-taking tasks and are not trained in all of the different facets involved in 24/7 dispatching. You have to know who is on-call, what that person is on-call FOR, what qualifies as an emergent situation (and what doesn’t), what the service area is, whether are there any applicable fees, etc. All of our call center agents at Cascade Answering Solutions are cross-trained in both general answering and dispatch services and are capable of dispatching tow truck drivers, plumbers, HVAC technicians, security guards, and medical couriers just to name a few. Read more about our Dispatch Service.
Medical Answering Service
Medical answering is another specialized area of telephone answering services that differs from general answering services because it involves patient care. Call center agents that are handling calls pertaining to patient care must be fully trained in HIPAA compliance, proper after-hour protocols, and must possess limited medical terminology skills as it relates to composing messages to the clinic and/or on-call provider after-hours. Read more about our Medical Answering Service.
If you are an independent contractor or one-person business that needs to ensure that your phones are answered while you are out in the field, or if you are just wanting your business to have the professional appearance and capability of having a full staff and office at your disposal, then our virtual receptionist service might be right for you. We can answer all your calls as if we were actually in your office, while you can be free to assist your clients and grow your business. In addition to message taking, and customer scheduling, we also have the ability to transfer important calls directly to your cell phone or any phone number based in the United States or Canada.
Appointment Setting Call Center
In addition to answering your calls, taking messages, and dispatching your staff members... We can schedule your client’s appointments with you! This is a free service that can be included with any existing answering service account. You only pay for the time spent on the phone. The only thing required for us to handle your scheduling calls is an online-based scheduler. We can use your existing scheduling software or we can recommend one that is easy to use and that our staff is already trained on. Read more about our Appointment Setting Call Center.

Call Transferring / Call Patching
Call transferring/patching is usually only performed on specific calls, like doctors connecting with patients after hours or if someone from your company is on-call for sales calls or something specific. Also, have clients that utilize our Live Telephone Answering Service for our switchboard capability, where we accept all incoming calls and transfer them to the appropriate destination based on the nature of the call. In some cases, if there is no answer at a particular extension, we can then take a message for the caller so they don’t just end up hanging up. All of this is customizable to our client’s needs.
Helpdesk Call Center
This type of answering is great for IT firms, or large companies who need a help desk to work in tandem with their IT department so their employees have a place to call to have IT tickets placed, or technical-type calls routed to on-call technicians.
Order Taking & Reservation Booking
That’s right! We can take orders and book reservations for you. As long as the booking or sales processes can be done using an online-based program or website, we can handle it. Similar to our scheduling services, this is a free feature that can be added to any existing answering service account as you simply pay for the time we spend on the phone with your callers.
Filtering Junk Calls & Answering Basic Questions
Do you get a lot of spam or marketing calls? We know that business productivity can suffer if you have to spend a lot of your time telling people "sorry, not interested". Our Live Telephone Answering Service can help with that. We can also help answer basic questions that related to office hours, office contact info, and frequently asked questions. Contact us today so you and your staff can focus on building your business!