If your business needs help on the phones, we can help! Here is an example of some of the things we can do.
We have answering solutions for every industry. Let us handle the heavy lifting.
Services built around your business.
Cascade Answering Solutions offers a versatile 24/7 answering service tailored to businesses of any scale. Whether you operate a large corporation requiring constant contact or a small enterprise in need of additional call support, our nationwide answering service is here to assist you. We understand the dynamic needs of businesses, offering scalable solutions that can accommodate full-time or part-time call-handling requirements.
We operate with an intense focus on professionalism and integrity when we answer calls on behalf of your business. Our team of agents is highly skilled at handling any type of call in an efficient manner, whether it’s an inquiry, order, complaint, or something else that requires professional attention. You can rest assured knowing your callers are well taken care of!

We can answer your phones any time of day and perform a multitude of different tasks; including message taking, call patching (transfering), and more.
Dispatching (or paging) your team using our intelligent dispatching platform. Perfect for any business utilizing "on-call" staff members using a set or rotating staff schedule.
Paging your medical staff for urgent matters, taking non-urgent messages, etc. Providing HIPAA compliant answering services to doctors and their staff is one of our core functions.
Scheduling your customers' appointments while we have them on the phone so they don't have to wait for a call back. We can use your existing online scheduler.
More than just taking messages.
In addition to the core services that we offer, we can also free up your time (and your staff's time) by helping with the following:
Answering frequently asked questions
Providing contact info such as email or fax number when asked
Providing directions to your office
Filtering out spam/marketing calls
Answering solutions with a personal touch.
At Cascade Answering Solutions, we don't just provide answering services; we also put a personal touch into our work that sets us apart from other answering service providers. Our team is more than just "operators" answering the phone — they are highly trained professionals that care about providing an exceptional customer experience.
We strive to make sure that every call is handled efficiently and professionally, but also with a level of care and respect for the person on the other end of the line. We build relationships with each customer so that whenever they need help or advice, they know where to turn to get it. Our agents take the time to address all inquiries thoroughly and accurately, answering every question until the caller is completely satisfied. With our personalized approach and attentive customer service, calling our call center is like having an extra member of staff in your office who is always ready to help out!
Hear us for yourself!
Click play to listen to a mock training call between two of our operators.

Multiple call handling options.
Dispatching (or paging) your staff members using our intelligent dispatching platform
All of our call center agents are fully trained in HIPAA compliance. We can take message, page providers, etc.
Submitting service or helpdesk tickets on behalf of your company or IT department
Patching/transferring callers to you or your on-call staff member or a certain department
Scheduling appointments for your callers using your web-based scheduler or calendar
Customer service that goes above and beyond.
Cascade Answering Solutions offers unparalleled customer service, providing assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are dedicated to answering any questions you have in an efficient and timely manner.
Our answering service is staffed with professionally trained agents and supervisors who are passionate about providing excellent customer support.
In addition to handling customer service requests by phone, you can also contact us via live chat and email support. This allows us to provide an efficient response time while making sure that any messages received are answered promptly and accurately.
How to get started or request more info.
Option 1. Click on "Get Pricing Instantly" to receive pricing via email immediately, in addition to signup instructions.
Option 2. Call us 24/7! 888-996-0427
Option 3. Send us a message using the form below
Option 4. If you prefer to speak with us over the phone but you do not have time right now, you can schedule an over-the-phone consultation with a member of our management team
Option 5. Email us at info@cascadeanswering.com
Option 6. Chat with us right now by clicking on the bubble in the bottom left corner
The first thing we will do is send you an email that will include:
More information about services
Pricing for services
Link for our Client Onboarding Questionnaire
Once you complete the Client Onboarding Questionnaire, we will reach out so we can go over your exact needs and begin building your account. Depending on the complexity of the client's needs, we can normally activate a new account in as little as a few hours.
Or if you are just needing pricing for now, click the button below. You can also call for questions or pricing anytime.
Let’s Work Together
Send us a message and we will get back to you asap! Your information is secure, view our privacy policy.